Yellow Diamonds

Yellow diamonds are the most common in the natural color diamonds.

The color scale of a natural colorless diamond is graded from D – Z. However, close to where the colorless scale ends, the fancy color diamond scale begins. In fact, “Cape diamonds“, which are stones that fall within the X- Y– Z range of the colorless scale, contain quite noticeable traces of yellow or brown color tones. This is actually the beginning of the Fancy Yellow Diamond and Fancy Brown diamond color scale.

Yellow diamonds with no overtones are found with six different color grades:

1) Light (X-Y-Z range)
2) Fancy Light Yellow
3) Fancy Yellow
4) Fancy Intense Yellow
5) Fancy Vivid Yellow and
6) Fancy Deep Yellow – and all are 100% completely natural.

Famous Yellow Diamonds


The Tiffany Yellow

The Tiffany Yellow

The Incomparable

The Incomparable

The Florentine

The Florentine








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